Elena Theodoropoulou



  1. Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy of the National University of Athens, «Kapodistriakon» 2. D.E.A., Philosophy (Traditions religieuses et dogmes Philosophiques), University François Rabelais of Tours 3. Phd, University René Descartes of Poitiers – Faculty of Human Sciences [ Thesis committee: supervisor: Vieillard-Βarοn, J.-L. , members: Ρinchard, Β., Frère, J., Brès Υ., Santillan, D.] 4. D.E.A., Sciences of Antiquity, University René Descartes of Poitiers – Faculty of Letters and Languages, Greek Institute.


Undergraduate Level: Dpt of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design, Univ/ty of the Aegean, Superior School of pedagogical & technological Education-Aspete, Dpt of Sciences of Education, University Saint-Denis, Paris 8 / Dpt of Sciences of Education/ UFR of Humman & Society Sciences. University Paris 8 of Vincennes /Licence en Sciences de l’Education: Institute of Distance Learning

Postgraduate Level: «Environmental Education» (Univ/ty of the Aegean), «Socio-cultural education & training of animators» (Democritean University of Thrace, National & Kapodistrian Univ/ty of Athens, Univ/ty of the Aegean), «Models of Design & Development of Educational Units» (Univ/ty of the Aegean), «Philosophy» (National & Kapodistrian Univ/th of Athens), «Children Book & Pedagogical Material» (Univ/ty of the Aegean), «Psycho Pedagogy of Integration: A school for all» (Αristotelian Univ/ty of Thessaloniki, Univ/ty of the Aegean), «Education for the Environment and the Sustainability» (University of Thrace). University of Rouen/ European Master of Research in Sciences of Education (MERSE).

Invited Professor: Master 2 Sciences de l’Education, mention Education, formation et intervention sociale (EFIS), Université Catholique de l’Ouest/ UCO – Ecole Doctorale (Erasmus), Universidade do Porto – Instituto de Filosofia, Faculdade de Letras (Erasmus), Université de Rouen (Département des Sciences de l’Éducation/ UFR des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société)/ Master Européen de Recherche en Sciences de l’Éducation-MERSE (Université de Rouen)/ Université de Caen, Basse Normandie (Erasmus)/ Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) – Brezil (Erasmus)/ Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educacion del Estado del Mexico-Mexico (Erasmus), University of Haifa/Dep. of Learning, Instruction & Teacher Education, Faculty of Education Israel, University of Sherbrooke/ Faculty of medicine and sciences of health/Depart. Of psychiatry.

Offered courses Offered courses (undergraduate & postgraduate level): Introduction to Philosophy of Education; Introduction to Philosophy; Philosophy of Education through texts; Philosophy of the environment & Εnvironmental Ethics; Environmental Ethics, Values & Education; Values Education & Environment. Applied Ethics Issues; Philosophy for Children & Children’s Literature; Philosophy of Education & Ethics; Intercultural Ethics; Citizenship – education for democracy and peace; /Education for democracy and ethics; Philosophy of education and education for democracy and values; Philosophy, ethics, values: the challenge of education; Issues of philosophy of education: moral constitution & professional ethics ; Educational design: philosophy of education and professional ethics; Methodology of research: Bibliographical Research /Journal of research/ Philosophical Journal/ Problematization; Introduction in Sciences of Education; Philosophy and gender; Values Education; Epistemology of alterity & difference; Philosophy & Child: Theories & Practices; Philosophy & Education: Questions of educational Design; Pedagogy of philosophy; Practical Philosophy: Philosophy & praxis of dialogue; Philosophical Dialogue; Philosophy of Education, Educational Design & Professional Ethics; Philosophy in Education: Recognition & Applications; Philosophy with Children in Classroom: concepts, ways, material; Philosophical applications to literary texts; «Philosophy of Education & Education for Values»; Philosophy of Education and Philosophy of Education: Places & Ways of Praxis; Philosophical duende. Philosophy with children and pedagogical and institutional diversions; Dillemmatization, tact, threshold: philosophy within or nearby the practical; Philosophy eitherwise. About «Philosophical Objects»; Chlidren’s book or photography as philosophical objects in classroom; Philosophy of education in praxis; Philosophy and cinema : film analysis & esthetical, ethical & pedagogical points of view.

Research interests

Philosophy of Education, Practical Philosophy, Εthics in Education and forms of applied ethics in education (professional ethics), Philosophy, school & child, Pedagogy of philosophy, philosophical experiences & practices in literature & arts, Qualitative methodologies of research & training (problematization-dilemmatization, journal).

Collaborations & Projects

  • Scientific Responsible (for the Greek partnership) of Tempus program: «Continuous Training of workers of the tourism sector in Caucasia» (FCTK) [2007-2010]. Partners: France, Caucasia, Abakan, Vladivostok, Greece. Scientific co-responsible (for the Greek partnership) in the following programs: 1. «SOPE – Service of orientation and placement of students» [2005-2008]. Partners: France, Moldavia, Greece. 2. «Education for life-Social work» [2005-2006]. Partners: France, Yekaterinburg / Russia, Greece. 3. «Education for life – professions of tourism, hotels and restoration» [2005-2006]. Partners: France, Yekaterinburg / Russia, Caucasia, Greece.
  • Departmental Responsible for the Special Convention of International Collaboration between Universities of Rouen (France) and Aegean (Greece). In this frame, is coordinator of the Net of PhD Formation in Sciences of Education (REFODOSE), which includes the Departments of Sciences of Education of the University of the Aegean & responsible for the collaboration between the European Master for the Research on Sciences of Education (MERSE) with the Department of Preschool Sciences of Education & Educational Design (D.P.S.E.E.D.).
  • Coordinator / scientific responsible (for the Greek partnership) of the program Leonardo de Vinci, «Vocational Professionalization by Practising Philosophy (with Children)- VP3|». Partners: Austria, Germany, Greece, Romanie. Program Content: Exchange of practices in the field of vocational training (VET) on the level of Preschool Education. Development of models & tools for the introduction and application of the innovative strategy «Philosophy with Children» in the training of educators. This program was awarded in Vienna, (December 2011), by the «Lifelong Learning Award 2011» & it had been included among the three most successful programs LEONARDO DA VINCI for its good practices in Austria. For the program results s. on the basis European Shared Treasure (http://www.vppp.eu).
  • Collaboration with the Laboratory Expérice (Axe de recherche «l’éducation tout au long de la vie»: Université de Paris 8 de Vincennes à Saint-Denis UFR SEPF / Département des Sciences de l’éducation: project, Terre et culture en transe/Collection Terre et cultures en transe. Collaborators: (France) Jacques Ardoino, Remi Hess, Martine Abdallah-Pretceille, Guy Berger, Lucette Colin (Germany) Gabi Weigand, Christoph Wulf.
  • Research collaboration with Professor Ann Margaret Sharp & professor Gregory Maughn, Director Institute of The Advancement of Philosophy for Children (Montclair University) on teaching of Philosophy in School and on «Philosophy for Children».
  • Research collaboration with prof. Camhy Daniela (Graz Universität) and with Austrian Center for Philosophy with Children, concerning the introduction of teaching of Philosophy in educational systems.
  • Member of the the International Research Team CIEDUS (Université Santiago de Cali/Colombie): Colombie, Greece, Germany, France. This research program had been evaluated in the category A1 (Excellence) from the Colombian Research National Agent of Evaluation (COLCIENCIAS. Grupo de Investigación Ciencias de la Educación, Educación superior y Conceptos, CIEDUS/Categoría A1 (Excelencia). Fecha de creación 08/2001). Research Axxes: A. Conceptos, saberes y educación Superior B. Políticas, prácticas, organización y educación superior C. Sociedad del conocimiento, tic’s y educación superior.
  • Foreigner researcher in: 1. FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia- Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e ensino superior) & 2. National Foundation of Research of Brazil (CNPq – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.
  • Member of the European network PROBLEMA & Member of the Scientific Committee of the Network (members: Université de Nantes, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, Université de Trois Rivières-Québec, Universidad da Porto, Université Libre de Bruxeles, Université de Caen, Uniersité de Bordeaux 4, Université de Lille) from 2016 to 2016.
  • Μember of the team research of the inter-universitary / interdisciplinary project: «Well-Being in school» (collaborators: ESPE d’Aquitaine: Bénédicte Courty (clinical psychology), Jean-François Dupeyron (philosophy), Christophe Miqueu (philosophy) / ESPE de Créteil-Paris-Versailles: Émilie Boujut (psychology)/ Université de Strasbourg: Claire Metz clinical psychology, Anne Thévenot (clinical psychology) / Université de Lyon 2: Christine Morin-Messabel, Marie Préau (psychologie sociale) / Université de Lyon 1: Muriel Salle (history of education) / Paris VII: Emmanuel Arlot (philosophy) [France]. Université de Sherbrooke: Jacques Quintin (philosophy) [Canada], Elena Théodoropoulou (philosophy [Grèce]).
  • Founder Member of the Francophone de Philosophie de l’Education (Sofphied).
  • Responsible for the participation of the Greek side in the project «Practices of Philosophy with Children: un educational base for the intercultural dialogue & social transformation» / UNITWUIN Programs – UNESCO Chairs (under the responsibility of the University of Nantes and the coordination of Edwige Chirouter, senior lecturer and with the support of the research program EnJeu[x] (University of Angers)/ (http://www.chaireunescophiloenfants.univ-nantes.fr)
  • Scientific responsible of the Greek participation to the program «Practices of philosophy with children: one educational basis for the intercultural dialogue & social transformation »/ UNITWIN / UNESCO Chair (University of Nantes with the supporting of the research program EnJeu [x], University of the Angers). Member of the Scientific Committee & of the Research committee of the above Chair ((http://www.chaireunescophiloenfants.univ-nantes.fr))
  • Scientific coordinator for the Greek part in the project «Artistic and philosophical practices for changing the school» (PHILARPE) held by the Laboratory Education, Cultures, Politics (ECP, university of Lyon2) and the Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) / University of the Aegean. The project is approved by the University Lyon2. [http://www.pse.aegean.gr/labs/eerpreff/default.aspx?Submenu=34&Show=list]
  • Scientific coordinator for the Greek part in the project «Schoolchild on her island» held by: ESPE d’Aquitaine & the University of Bordeaux, the groups of research, CEMCC, LACES, LITT&ARTS, MICA et SPH ,the Laboratory L.R.Ph.P.A./University of the Aegean, the Direction of Primary Education of Dodecanese, the University of Bordeaux Montaigne. The project is approved by the University of Bordeaux. [http://www.pse.aegean.gr/labs/eerpreff/default.aspx?Submenu=35&Show=list]
  • Director of the «Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy» (L.R.P.A.Ph.).
  • Conception, coordination & scientific responsibilty of the inter-universitary/ interdisciplinary European project: ‘Philosophical Objects’ (Collaborating Laboratories: «Laboratoire Art / Architecture dans la Sphère Publique», Département d’Architecture / Université de Patras & «Laboratoire de Recherche Éducation Cultures et Politiques». Université de Lumière Lyon2).
  • Coordinator on behalf of Greek side in the frame of Bilateral Agreements for independent cooperation between «Laboratory of Research on Practical and Applied Philosophy»(L.R.P.A.Ph.) and the following structures/ institutions: Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Letters, University of Porto,(Instituto de Filosofia, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto), Faculty of Philosophy, University of Laval, Québec, Canada,(Faculté de Philosophie de l’Université Laval, Québec, Canada), Higher Institute of Educatiοn Sciences of the State of Mexico, (Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México), Post-Graduate Program in Education, State University of Rio de Janeiro,(Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação [ProPEd], Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro [UERJ]), Laboratory of Studies & Researches on Contemporary Logics of Philosophy/EA 4008, University Paris 8-Saint Denis,(Laboratoire d’ Études et de Recherches sur les Logiques Contemporaines de la Philosophie /EA 4008, Université de Paris 8 – Saint-Denis), Department of Learning, Instruction and Teacher Education, University of Haifa.
  • International associated researcher (http://www.llcp.univ-paris8.fr/spip.php?article1758) at the « Laboratory of studies & researches on the contemporary logics of philosophy» (LLCP/ Statut /Code : EA 4008, Université Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis http://www.llcp.univ-paris8.fr/spip.phpp)

Organisation of European & International Congresses

[indicative list]:

  • 10 Νοvember 2003, Rhodes, «Understanding Philosophy of Education», Conference with European & International Committee (the 1rst in Greece on this subject).
  • 26-27 May 2007, Rhodes, European Conference οn Environmental Ethics with European Participation followed by workshops.
  • 12-14 June 2008, Rhodes, 5th Colloque International du Réseau Problema, «La problématisation dans l’enseignement et la formation: Quelles difficultés? Quelles aides possibles?».
  • 28 Νοvember 2008, Rhodes, International Conference «Philosophy, philosophy are you there? Doing Philosophy with Children»under the auspices of the Greek Committee of UNESCO, (the first in Greece on Philosophy for/with Children) [ the 1rst in Greece on this subject].
  • 7 – 8 November, 2013, Rhodes, Days of Workshops «Philosophy of Education in Praxis”, 2nd Meeting, «Philosophy of Education in Praxis», organized by the International Network «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» & the Laboratory of Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.)
  • 26 – 28 September 2014, Athens, Coordinator of the Round Table: «Professional Ethics in Education». In: International Congress, International & European Trends in Education: their influences to the Greek Educational System. (οrganization: ASPAITE/EEMAPE), with the participation of: Carvalho Adalberto Dias de, Moreau Didier, Jutras France.
  • 12-14 May 2015, Rhodes, Organization / Coordination / Interpretation: International Conference: «Ethics in Education. Philosophical tracings and clearings», Laboratory of Research on Practical & Αpplied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean.
  • 12-14 May 2015, Rhodes, Organization / Coordination / Interpretation: «Days of Workhops» 3rd Cycle, Laboratory of Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P. A.Ph.), University of the Aegean & Net of Philosophy of Education in Praxis (NePhEdinPrax).
  • 16th May 2015, Leros, Organization / Coordination / Interpretation: Internation Conference: «The well being in Schools. Philosophical Views». Organisation: Laboratory of Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), Direction of Secondary Education of Dodecanese & Municipality of Leros.
  • 20 – 21 November 2015, Athens, President of the International Scientific Committee: 6th International Conference, «Connecting Didactics, Competencies and Attitudes towards educational practice through the Arts», Co-organisation: Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean, Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers (GARMET), Dpt of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  • 26-29 May 2016, Rhodes, Organizational responsibility / Coordination: «Days of Workshops». 4rth International Meeting.«Philosophy of Education in Praxis». Philosophical Body / Body in education, Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy & Network Philosophy of Education in Praxis, Rhodes.
  • 28 Μay 2015, Cycle 1: Exposition & Atelier, 24-15 Μai 2016 Cycle 2: Exposition & Atelier, 20-21 Μai 2017 Cycle 3, 27-29 Αpril 2018: Exposition & Ateliers, Rhodes, Conception-Design-Organization-Scientific Responsibility of the project: «Philosophical Objects». Collaborating Laboratory: «Laboratory Art/Architecture in the Public Sphere», Architecture Department/University of Patras. Responsible: Professor P. Kouros. Counsellor-Observer:Emeritus Professor, A. Kerlan «Laboratoire de Recherche Education Cultures et Politiques», Université de Lumière Lyon2 (s. http://www.pse.aegean.gr/labs/eerpreff/default.aspx?Submenu=39&Show=list) a
  • 25 May 2016 & 21 May 2017: Conception-Organization-Philosophical Direction/Kinesiology of the performance Som Body 1 & 2 e[Theatrical Direction: Evi Dimitropoulou] http://www.pse.aegean.gr/labs/eerpreff/default.aspx?Submenu=39&Show=list
  • 18-19 Νovember 2017. Coordination, scientific responsiblitity & organization (in collab. with Edwige Chirouter) of the «16th International Meeting on New Philosophical Practices at school and in the city» in the framework of the World Philosophy Day at UNESCO, co-organized by the Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) & the UNESCO Chair «Practices of philosophy with children: an educational base for intercultural dialogue and social transformation», Rhodes.
  • President of scientifique & organizational committee of the 1rst International Biennale in Practical Philosophy, « “‘Philosophy in Praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements’’”, 27, 28, 29 organised by the Laboratory of Research on Practical and Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) (http://practphil-biennale.aegean.gr/)


  • 26 May 2007, Rhodes, In collaboration with prof. Catherine Larrère, Michael Bonnett: «Philosophy, Environmental Ethics & environmental Education» with Master students 2006-2007 (27 May, participants), in the frame of the European Conference on Environmental Ethics.
  • 2010- 2011, In collaboration with prof.r Constantin Xypas in the frame of the courses «Educational Unities and cultures» & «Philosophy of Education & Education for Democracy & Ethics» (Master Program I «Models of Design & Development of Educational Units»):
  1. «Ιntercultural, moral education & philosophy»
  2. «Organisation of the research on the frame of doctoral studies» with PhD students of the Department of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design.
  • 2008, In collaboration with prof. Gregory Maughn, Αnn Sharp et Μichel Sasseville, «From discussion to philosophical dialogue» in the frame of the Colloquium with international participation «Philosophy, philosophy, are you there? Doing philosophy with children».
  • May 2010. In collaboration with Professor Christina Paula Pereira:
  • 1.«Philosophy-Literatrure relation» in the frame of the Master II «Children Book & pedagogical material et » & of the course «Children Book & Philosophy for children ».
  • 2.«Philosophy and alterity» in the frame of the Master II«Psychopedagogy: a school for everybody’’, & of the course ‘’Epistemology of difference & alterity».
  • 3. 2010-2011, «Philosophy of education on the public level (tensions and fragilities)», Universidade do Porto / Faculdade de Letras– in the frame of the Programme ERASMUS.
  • In collaboration with Professor Remi Hess:
    1. 2011-2012, «Diary as tool of evaluation & auto-evaluation» in the frame of the Master II ««Modeling Design And Development Of Educational Units” of the Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design / School of Humanities (D.P.E.S.E.D.) », & of the course «Philosophy, ethics, values: the challenge of education».
    2. 2011-2012, «Diary as a tool for the environmental educator» in the frame of the Master II «Environmental Education », & of course «Environnemental ethics, values & education».
    3. 2012, «Diary practice as a reflective practice» «Philosophy of education in Praxis».
  • In collaboration with Professor Adalberto Dias de Carvalho:
  1. 2009, «The challenge of philosophy for children on the level of the educators training», Escuola Superior de Educacao de Paula Frassinetti/Porto.
  2. 2012, «Dilemmatisation as a strategy of morla education in the frame of professional ethics» in the frame of the international Meeting «Philosophy of education in Praxis».
  3. 12 May 2015, Rhodes, «Dilemmatization as an adventure», in: «Ethics in Education. Philosophical tracings and clearings» & «Days of Workshops/3rd Meeting», Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph.)/University of the Aegean & Network «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» (NePhedinPrax).
  4. 26-29 May 2016, Rhodes, «Stories of body in solitude: the reflections of an elderly man and Celia’s wandering; The body as a right, care and pain: approaches of philosophy of education», in the frame of: «Days of Workshops». 4th International Meeting. «Philosophy of Education in Praxis». Philosophical Body / Body in education, Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy & Network Philosophy of Education in Praxis.
  • In collaboration with Prof. Adalberto Carvalho & Jean-François Dupeyron

12 May 2017, Rhodes, «Otherness: traps & terrors of a concept». Intervention «Αlterity as the detail that matters» (s. http://www.pse.aegean.gr/labs/eerpreff/default.aspx?Submenu=5&Show=list)

  • In collaboration with Prof. Daniela Camhy:
  1. 2011, «Discussion in Kindergarten»in the undergraduate program of the Dpt of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design.
  2. 2012, «Philosophical Dialogue in classroom by means of literary texts» in the frame of the course «Children’s Literature & Philosophy for children» / Master «Children’s Book & Pedagogical Material».
  3. 2012, «intercultural Education & philosophical Dialogue» in the frame of Master II «Psycho-Pedagogy of Integration: A school for all» & of the course «Epistemology of difference & alterity».
  4. 2013, «Discussion in Kindergarten» in the frame of the Master of the Dpt of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design.
  5. 2013, «Text Literary-Philosophical» in the frame of the Master Program «Children’s Literature & Philosophy for children» / course «Children’s Literature & Philosophy for Children».
  6. 2013, «Intercultural Education & Community of Inquiry» in the frame of the Master Program «Psycho-Pedagogy of Integration: A school for all», & of the course «Epistemology of difference & alterity».
  7. 28, 30, 31 March 2015, «From discussion in classroom to philosophical dialogue. First steps». «Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy» (L.R.P.A. Ph.), for undergraduate students and for educators.
  1. 2-4 June 2013, Rhodes, In collaboration with Professor Jean-Marc Lange (University of Rοuen): «Education & questions of didactics. An revealing example: initiation to viable development», in the frame of the Colloque «Sustainability & local societies: réality or utopy?», Master II «Environnemental Education».
  • In collaboration with Prof. Edwige Chirouter (University of Nantes, IUFM des Pays de la Loire [CREN]):
  1. 27 May 2013, Rhodes, «The literary texts in primary classroom through philosophy», in the frame of Master Program «Children’s Book and pedagogical material» and of the course «Children Book and philosophy for children».
  2. 12 March 2014, Rhodes, «Discussion with philosophical aim and et literary discussion in classroom: similarities, differences, complementarities», in the frame of Master Program «Children’s Book and pedagogical material» and of the course «Children Book and philosophy for children».
  3. 13 March 2014, Rhodes, «Text, discourse, dialogue: from literature to philosophy», organised by the «Laboratory of Children Book, of discourse and theatrical game» and the «Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy».
  4. 21-22 April 2015, Rhodes, «Learning to philosophize in the classroom: the myth of the cave & the Knowledge», in the frame of the activities of the «Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy» (L.R.P.A.Ph.).
  5. 6 Αpril 2016, Rhodes, «Discussion on the relationship between Children Literature and Philosophy», as well as on the goals of UNESCO Chair: «The Practice of philosophy with children: an educational basis for intercultural dialogue and social transformation», in the frame of the activities of the «Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy» (L.R.P.A.Ph.).
  • In collaboration with Prof. Alain Kerlan:
  • 20 February 2016, Rhodes, «Photography as a philosophical object 2», in the frame of the activities of the «Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy» (L.R.P.A.Ph.).
  • 19 February 2016, Rhodes, «Photography as a philosophical object: intervention in class», in the frame of the activities of the «Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy»(L.R.P.A.Ph.).
  • 12 May 2015, Rhodes, «Photography as philosophical object», in: «Ethics in Education. Philosophical tracings and clearings» & «Days of Workshops/3rd Meeting», Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph.)/University of the Aegean & Network «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» (NePhedinPrax).
  • In collaboration with Professor Didier Moreau (University of Saint-Denis, Vincennes, Paris 8):
  • 10-11 November 2013, Rhodes, «Circumscribe professional ethics in education: ambiguities & incertitudes», in the frame of Master Program «Modeling Design And Development of Educational Units», & of the course «Philosophy, ethics, values: the challenge of education».
  • 21 – 24 March 2015. «Educator, profession and ethics: questions», in the frame of the activities of the «Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy» (L.R.P.A.Ph.) for undergraduate students and for educators.
  • 19 March 2017. Workshop of Philosophy, «From concept analysis to conceptualization», in the frame of the preparatory regular meetings for the 3rd cycle of «Philosophical Objects» exhibition, http://www.pse.aegean.gr/labs/eerpreff/default.aspx?Submenu=10&Show=list
  • In collab. with prof. Pablo Flores de Rosario & Didier Moreau

22 March, 2017, Rhodes, «What about philosophy in education ?» with: Didier Moreau, Professor at the University Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis Pablo Flores del Rosario, Professor at the Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México,L.R.P.A.Ph., http://www.pse.aegean.gr/labs/eerpreff/default.aspx?Submenu=10&Show=list

  • 7-8 November 2013, Rhodes, «Dilemmatisation considered as lever of reflexion», , in the frame of Days of Workshops «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» (Second Meeting). Organisation: International Network «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» & «Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy» (L.R.P.A. Ph.), University of the Aegean, Department of Preschool Sciences of Education & Educational Design.
  • 7-8 November 2013, Rhodes, «Meaning in movement», in the frame of Days of Workshops «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» (Second Meeting). Organisation: International Network «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» & «Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy» (L.R.P.A. Ph.), University of the Aegean, Department of Preschool Sciences of Education & Educational Design.
  • 20 – 21 November 2015. «Seizing Philosophy in Classroom»: 1rst Session [with adults]: Something in it: Working with books in classroom”,6th International Conference: «Connecting Didactics, Competencies and Attitudes towards educational practice through the Arts», Co-organisation: Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean, Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers (GARMET), Dpt of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).
  • 20 -21 November 2015. «Seizing Philosophy in Classroom»: 2nd Session: «Thoughts, Talks, Discussions» (with: Dr. Sophia Nikolidaki, 6th International Conference, «Connecting Didactics, Competencies and Attitudes towards educational practice through the Arts», Co-organisation: Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean, Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers (GARMET), Dpt of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  • 4-5 December 2015. «Searching Philosophy in the classroom»: Applied Seminar in the frame of Conference: «Promotion of dialogue through Philosophy in Education: From Theory to Practice», University of Nicosia & Chair of Unesco.
  • 26-29 May 2016, Rhodes, in collaboration with J. Quintin: «To make speak him/her who speaks little or different: whatever remains is body (to listen to the incomprehensible: the lever of the body)», in the frame of: «Days of Workshops». 4rth International Meeting. «Philosophy of Education in Praxis». Philosophical Body / Body in education, Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy & Network Philosophy of Education in Praxis.
  • 18 November 2017: Lubridium materiae – Philosophical Lectern2 (in collab. with Elena Nikolakopoulou & Maria Argyriou) in the frame of the: «16th International Meeting on New Philosophical Practices at school and in the city» in the framework of the World Philosophy Day at UNESCO, co-organized by the Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) & the UNESCO Chair «Practices of philosophy with children: an educational base for intercultural dialogue and social transformation». Rhodes, 18-19 Νovember 2017 (http://www.pse.aegean.gr/labs/eerpreff/default.aspx?Submenu=39&Show=list).
  • 27 January 2018. “Practical Philosophy in pedagogical culture”, Philosophical Workshop & Discussion in: Seminar of Professional Development, “Beat & it talks to me”. School percussion in classroom. The constitution of a musical praxis”, 20-21 & 27-28/01/2018 with the support of the Laboratory of Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean http://www.primarymusic.gr/epimorfosi/eemape-seminaria/item/514-krouw-kai-mou-mila

    • 28 April 2018, «Practical philosophy as extravagance & gap. Threads & traces in laboratory» (in collab. avec : E. Dimitropoulou, M. Monioudi, E. Nikolakopoulou, J.-J. Martínez Olguín, E. Patta, K. Renti, C. Roelens ) in : 1st International Biennale on Practical Philosophy, ‘‘Philosophy in Praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements’’, 27, 28, 29 April 2018 organized by the Laboratory of Research on Practical and Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.)http://practphil-biennale.aegean.gr/

    Series direction & participation in Journals Committees

    • Co-directress of the series (with M. Kaila & Guy Berger): «Texte of Education», editions Atrapos/Diadrassi.
    • Co-directress of the series (with N. Andreadakis) : “Pedagogical Innovations. Philosophy in Praxis ”. Editions: Pedio.
    • Co-directress of the series « Philosophy & Child » (with Maughn Gregory, Montclair State University), Editions : Diadrassi
    • Directress of the Series: Philosophy & Education. Research, Theories, Concepts, Practices, Laboratory of Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) of the University of the Aegean
    • Collaborator (representing University of the Aegean) & evaluator/member of the revewers committee of the Journal: «Thinking about education. Philosophy of Education & Histoiry of Pedagogical Ideas», Université de Rouen
    • Member of the reading committee of the Revista Colombiana de Educacion Superior
    • Member of the editorial committee of the journal: «Courants Pédagogiques à l’Egée», http://www.pre.aegean.gr/revmata/
    • Member of the scientific committee of the journal: «Ιtinerάrios de Filosofia da Educaçao», Gabinete de Filosofia da Educação do Instituto de Filosofia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
    • Member of the scientific committee of the journal: «Percursos & Ideias», Instituto Superior de Ciências Empresariais e do Turismo, ISCET, Porto
    • Member of the reading committee of the Revista Colombiana de Educacion Superior
    • Member of the scientific committee of the journal “Recherche Philosophique «δια-ΛΟΓΟΣ» [dia-LOGOS], Υearbook of Philosophical Research
    • Member of the scientific committee of the journal: “Eduquer/Former. Les Cahiers de l’ISP » (Journal of the Superior Institute of Pedagogy)
    • Member of the scientific committee of the journal, « Le Télémaque », Universitary Presses of Caen
    • Member of the scientific committee of the journal “Philosophical Hellenic Journal » of the Hellenic Philosophical Society
    • Member of the scientific committee of the journal: “Hellenic Journal of Research in Education” (Laboratory of Research in Pedagogy and Educational Practices / Democritus University of Thrace)
    • Member of the editorial committee of the journal: “Saber & Educar”, ESE of Paula Frassinetti
    • Editor of the Journal “Amechanon”of the Laboratory of Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) of the University of the Aegean
    • Co-editor (with D. Moreau) of the Journal “Epistrophe. Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and Education. Studies and Practices [EPREPE] (http://eprepe.pse.aegean.gr/index.php/en/), University of the Aegean.


[indicative list]

  • 27 -30 August 1992, «La mort et la vie tragiques chez Eschyle: le principe, la médiation, le sens», paper presented at : Ιnternational Symposium, « Association des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Franςaise », La Vie et la Mort: Société Poitevine de Philosophie, Poitiers.
  • 6-10 July 1993, Jerusalem, «Forms and Directions of Education for Democracy in the Greek school system», paper presented at : Colloque International, Adam Institut For Democracy and Peace, Conditiοns which facilitates or Ιnhibit it.
  • 7-10 July 1993, «Co¬development in the Region of Dodecanese: University, Schοol system, Society», paper presented at : 3ème Congrès International, INRUDA, International Network οn the Role of Universities in Developing Areas, Aςores.
  • 28-30 December 1993, Israel, «Teaching οn the frontier», papier presented at : International Congress, «Regional Development: The challenge of the Frontier», Ben-Gurion University of the Νegev.
  • 18-19 December 2003, Dijon, «La sortie de l’univers d’Aladin. L’éthique à travers la philosophie de l’éducation – et à travers elles, l’égalité», paper presented at : Colloque International, «La Philosophie saisie par l’éducation: identités d’un champ de recherches».
  • 25-29 March 2004, Graz/Austria, «The children-bolides, the Philosophy (of Education) and the «good conscience», paper presented at : International Conference, Philosophy with Children: «Encouraging Philosophical thinking».
  • «The defence of the teaching of Philosophy and Philosophy for Children», paper presented at : 11th Biannual Conference of the International Council for Philosophical Inquiry with Children (ICPIC), «Children and adults: a philosophical encounter».
  • 18-21 March 2003, Novotel-Dakar, «Unsustainable Representation of Women in the Academic world: the case of Greece and Cyprus», paper presented at : Colloque International, Femmes, savoirs, sciences et développement durable, Prelude, Chaire Unesco, Enda-TM, Ifan Cheikh Aneta Diop.
  • 22-25 September 2004, «The “tact” and! of (the) Philosophy of Education», paper presented at : European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), organized by European Educational Research Association (EERA), Crete/Greece.
  • 30 June-2 July 2005, Arradon /France, «Homo criticus, homo philosophicus», paper presented at : Conférence Internationale, Quelle idée de l’homme pour le pédagogue.
  • 3, 4 & 5 November 2005, Porto, «De la philosophie de l’éducation: le visage de Janus», paper presented at : 2a Conferência Internacional de Filosofia da Educaçao, «Liminares Contemporâneos da Educaçao. Perspectivas Filosoficas».
  • 8-9 September 2006, Montpellier, «Le paradoxe philosophique de l’éducation à la démocratie», paper presented at : Colloque «Autorité éducative, savoir, socialisation démocratique».
  • 15-16 November 2006, Paris, «Faire de l’éducation, faire de la philosophie», paper presented at : Colloque International sur les «Nouvelles Pratiques Philosophiques», Unesco.
  • 3-6 August 2006, Μalta «Philosophy of Education: a philosophical observation post?», paper presented at : 10th INPE Biennial Conference, Philosophical Perspectives on Educational Practice in the 21th Century, University of Malta
  • 13-14 Αpril 2007, Patra, « Values for the European citizen at the Curricula: the case of the school manuals of the religious lesson in the 3rd and 4th class of Primary School », paper presented at : South – European and Mediterannean Conference on Citizenship Education.
  • 7-12 May 2007, Université du Québec à Trois, «Le nœud théorie-pratique: la philosophie de l’éducation en problématisation», paper presented at : 75e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Entre Bachelard et Dewey, regards croisés sur la problématisation. Approches réflexives et praxéologiques de l’éducation.
  • 24-25 June 2008, Paris, «Pour une philosophie de l’éducation s’approchant de la pédagogie institutionnelle (piste d’amorçage, l’éthique interculturelle)», paper presented at : Colloque, «La place des femmes dans l’analyse institutionnelle», UFR-Sciences de l’Education/Paris 8.
  • 16 – 19 October 2008, Graz/Austria, «The emergence of the intercultural intention through the crossing of Children’s Literature and of Philosophy with Children», paper presented at : International Conference Philosophy of Interculturality, Under the auspices of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO.
  • 20-21 November 2008, Porto/Faculdade de Letras, «Territorialisations dompteuses et seuils sauvages: de l’espace et de la philosophie de l’éducation», paper presented at : 1º Colóquio Internacional(Research Group Philosophy and Public Space – Gabinete de Filosofia da Educação) / Modos e figures do habitar.
  • 23-26 June 2009, Paris, «De l’espace lefebvrien et de la philosophie de l’éducation», paper presented at : Colloque pour les 40 ans de Paris 8: L’héritage de Georges Lapassade.
  • 25-27 Juin 2009, «Faire de la philosophie avec les enfants: la philosophie comme agent empathique», participation to the round table: « Enfants et Philosophie», paper presented at : Colloque International: Troisièmes rencontres de la Sofphied, Repenser l’enfance? Une question philosophique. Une question à la philosophie, Paris.
  • 2-4 July 2009, Université Catholique de l’Ouest-Angers, «Quelle foi dans une pédagogie de l’éducation spécialisée? Le cas de la solitude intraitable» (in collab. with Carvalho Dias A.), paper presented at : Colloque International Francophone, La foi du Pédagogue, 2. «Foi pédagogique: l’absurde, l’acédie, l’horizon», participation to round table Colloque International Francophone, La foi du Pédagogue, Université Catholique de l’Ouest-Angers.
  • 29-31 October 2009, Basel/Suisse, «De la congruence: un haut-fond pour la philosophie de l’éducation», paper presented at : Colloque International, La Philosophie de l’Éducation et la Transformation des Systèmes Éducatifs.
  • 10-13 April 2011, Ensact, Brussels (in collab. with: S. Banks, A. Carvalho, D.Snieskiene, A. Vanhala) «Professional wisdom and ethics: a symposium», paper presented at : Conference: Social Action in Europe: Sustainable Social Development and Economic Challenges”
  • 18, 19, 20 May 2011, «Le secret de Selia Copplestone ou comment (ne pas) sortir de la solitude», paper presented at : Congrès International «La Solitude aux seuils de la personne et de la solidarité: entre les liens et les fractures sociales», III Congrès de la SOFELP – Société de Philosophie de l’Éducation de Langue Portugaise, avec le concours de la SOFPHIED – Société Francophone de Philosophie de l’Éducation.
  • 26-28 May 2011, Rhodes, «La médiation de l’empathie: entre la sollicitude et la compréhension», paper presented at : 4ème Conférence de l’Ingénierie Educative avec participation internationale. Crise et gouvernance des systèmes éducatifs.
  • 12 – 16 July 2011, Tilos, «The ambush of congruence: the philosophy of education on the verge of its common sense», paper presented at : 1st Conference Philosophy of Education as a Lived Experience: Navigating Through Dichotomies of Thought and Action, University of Cyprus) Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB).
  • 20-22 October 2011, «Philosophical deviations & calls: philosophy with children & women places”, paper presented at : Congress, Feminin & Masculin Representations in children & young literature, organized by the Master Program «Children Book & Pedagogical Material » / Department of Preschool Sciences Education & Educational Design, Rhodes.
  • 18, 19, 20 Mai 2011. «Le secret de Selia Copplestone ou comment (ne pas) sortir de la solitude», paper presented at : Congrès International «La Solitude aux seuils de la personne et de la solidarité: entre les liens et les fractures sociales», III Congrès de la SOFELP – Société de Philosophie de l’Éducation de Langue Portugaise, avec le concours de la SOFPHIED – Société Francophone de Philosophie de l’Éducation.
  • 18 – 21 October 2012, Graz/Austria, «From the ‘sentiendum’ to the ‘cogitandum’ and what force us to think», paper presented at : International Conference; «Cognition – Emotion – Communication Scopes and Limits / Kognition – Emotion – Kommunikation» Möglichkeiten und Grenzen.
  • 7-10 November 2012, Instituto de Filosofia / Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, «De l’anthropocentrisme, du sens commun et des seuils d’intensité», paper presented at : Colóquio Internacional Direitos Humanos e contemporaneidade: o novo contrato social/International Conference Human Rigths and contemporaneity: the new social contract organized by: Gabinete de Filosofia da Educação.
  • 18-20 January 2013, «Theory, Practice & emergences of the commonplace”, paper presented at: Panhellenic Congress of Philosophy, «Mass image & globalizating processus: for a new politics of the culture”, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki / Department of Educational & Social Politics of Macedonia, Journal Philosophein.
  • 9-11 September 2013, Université de Genève, «La dilémmatisation comme un mécanisme de réflexion morale», paper presented at : Journées du REF 2013.
  • 19 -20 November 2014, Paris, «Le duende philosophique. Pour un commentaire sur l’acte philosophique dans le cadre scolaire», paper presented at : Journée Mondiale de la Philosophie 2014 et des 14èmes Rencontres internationales sur les Nouvelles Pratiques Philosophiques organised by PHILOLAB et le CREN, Maison de l’UNESCO.
  • 28-29 November 2014, Drama, «Dead Imagination Imagine» … the paradox of an invocation in education», opening speech, 5th Panhellenic Congress of the Society of Sciences of Education of Drama, «Creativity in Education».
  • 28 April 2014, Strasbourg, «Du caring: Sentiment, réflexion, relation», acte, in the frame of the Day for: «e Bien-être à l’école», under the coordination of: Espé de l’Académie de Strasbourg.
  • 5-7 June 2014, Bordeaux-France (in collab. with Carvalho A. Dias de), «La pluralité des sens, la nébulosité conceptuelle, l’ambivalence: un espace philosophique de problématisation», paper presented at : 11ème Colloque Problema.
  • 27-30 April 2015, Rhodes, «When the children’s book (do not) think philosophically. Boxings and perspectives», paper presented at : International Conference: Literary Paths. Greece-Turkey, International Center of Writers and Translators.
  • 13-14 May 2015, Rhodes, «A perspicuous view of the foundations of possible buildings: verbiage and silence of moral values in education», paper presented at : International Conference: Ethics in Education. Philosophical tracings and clearings, Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph.)/University of the Aegean.
  • 16 May 2015, Leros, «The surroundings of the well-being in school or about care-logy», paper presented at : International Conference: Well Being in the school: philosophical readings, Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph.)/University of the Aegean.
  • 23 October 2015, University of Montreal, (in collab. with Carvalho, A.), « Dilemma & dilemmatisation as challenge for the ethical training in education: theoretical, practical and praxial landmarks”, paper presented at : Congress of XIVth international Meetings of the Network Research in Education and training (RÉF2015).
  • 23 October 2015, University of Montreal (in collab. with) Carvalho, A., «Le dilemme et la dilemmatisation comme défis pour la formation éthique en éducation: repères théoriques, praxiques et pratiques», paper presented at : Colloque des XIVes Rencontres internationales du réseau Recherche en éducation et en formation (RÉF2015).
  • 22-23 Νοvember 2015, Oran- Algeria, «Le relais de l’éthique professionnelle en éducation – lieu glissant ou appui?», paper presented at : International Conference «University and Professional Ethics», Enjeux Actuels, Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle.
  • 4-5 December 2015, University of Nicosia & Chair of Unesco, «The fetish of discussion in education and the philosophy-fireball or the philosophical contribution», paper presented at : the Conference: «Promotion of dialogue through Philosophy in Education: From Theory to Practice».
  • 27-28 May 2016, Rhodes, (in collab. With Nomikou A.), «The case of professional ethics in Education: shots, scannings, transcripts», paper presented at the 8th Scientific Conference of Educational Design «The school as an intelligent, hybrid & moral entity», Master Program «Models of Development & Design of Educational units».
  • 13-16 October 2016, Graz/Austria, Karl-Franzens-Universität, (in colla. with Monioudi, M.), «Stoïc oikeiôsis, Critical Thinking & Philosophical Education», paper presented in: Ιnternational Conference for Philosophy for Children, «Cosmopolitanismus und Identität».
  • 16-18 Novembre 2016, Paris, «Affaire Philosophie: laquelle, pour qui, par qui, avec qui, pourquoi», paper presented at: 15èmes Rencontres Internationales, Nouvelles Pratiques Philosophiques à l’école et dans la cité, Maison de l’Unesco.
  • 28 – 29 April 2017, Corfu, «Philosophy with/for children: the movement of thinking and the mechanical philosophizing», central speech at: Interdisciplinary Congress, «Child & Information: Searches & Approaches in History, Law-Deontology, Civilization» co-organized by: Research Group of Ionian University «Information: History, Regulation, Culture» (IHRC), the Laboratories of «Technologies of Information»/ «Documentation of Cultural & Historical Heritage», Department of Αrchiving, Library Science & Museology of School of Science of Information and Informatics of Ionian University.
  • 27 – 28 June 2017, Lyon l (in collab. With Moreau D.) «Errance ou Exil, dérives et passages. L’éducation et la formation de soi comme traversées des frontières», paper presented at : Colloque SOFPHIED «Education et Frontières».
  • 30 June 2017, University of Bordeaux, «‘’Quand se leva la radieuse lumière du matin’’ … La capacité d’une certaine attention», paper presented at : International Conference, The schoolchild in his island, ESPE Site of Landes.
  • 4-6 July 2017, Paris, «‘’Qui est là?’’* ou ‘’ donnez-moi un corps’’ **. Du détail. Une remarque pour la formation éthique». paper presented at : Les rencontres Internationales du Réseau de recherche en éducation et en formation/REF, CNAM.
  • 10-13 October 2017, Buenos Aires, «Scaffolds, thresholds, silences, fallacies of dialogue; the nausea of the undone», paper presented in the frame of the Symposium « El lugar de la filosofia de la educacion en la formacion : the challenges of “post-truth” » in: 4to Congresso Latinoamericano de Filosofίa de la Educaciόn: Desafίos de la Filosofίa de la Educaciόn en América Latina: Memoria y Prospectiva, Unuiversidad Nacional de San Martin, Escuela de Humanidades.
  • Speach of closure : Round Table /Conclusions, Rhodes, in : 1st International Biennale on Practical Philosophy, ‘‘Philosophy in Praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements’’, 27, 28, 29 April 2018 organized by the Laboratory of Research on Practical and Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.)http://practphil-biennale.aegean.gr/
  • 18 May 2018, Rhodes, “For frozen thoughts that the thinking activity ought to unfreeze” In: 10th International Scientific Meeting of Educational Design “The complexity in the School Design and Development”, organized by Master Program “Modeling Design And Development of Educational Units”
  • 14 Juin 2018 Canada, «Narratives au bord de, au raz-bord, au ras de », Seminary, «Cinema & Existence », Laboratory of research in existential psychology of the department of psychology (University of Sherbrooke)- Deparement of psychiatry if the Faculty of medecine & sciences of health (University of Sherbrooke)-Sector of humanist psychology of the Department of psychology (University of Québec in Montreal)
  • 15 Juin 2018, Canada, « Le relais de la philosophie de l’éducation pour une saisie de l’éthique professionnelle dans la formation » : Day of study, « Théories, cadres de référence et auteurs significatifs pour l’éthique dans les domaines de l’éducation et de la formation », Faculty of Education, University of Sherbrooke.


[indicative list]

  • 1987. «The Aischylus case in the hegelian mechanisms: historical reference, example or related mecanism?», Parnassos, Αthènes, t. ΚΟ’ [in Greek].
  • 1989. «The weaving of meaning in Montaigne. The human presence as history of meaning», Parnassos, Αthènes, t. LA’ [in Greek].
  • 1992. «The philosophical way or the philosophical turn in Aeschylus’s tragedy »,Parnassos, Αthènes, t. LD’ [in Greek]. 1992., Parnassos,Athens, t. LD’ [in Greek].
  • 1992. Genette, G., Marin, L., Mathieu–Colas, M., The limits of narration (Gr. transl., footnotes), Athens: Kardamitsa. (p. 104).
  • 27-30 August, 1992, «La vie et la mort», Société Poitevine de Philosophie. Actes du XXIVe Congrès International de Philosophie de Langue française, A. S. P. L. F., Poitiers, pp. 259-262.
  • 1993. Greisch, J., The metaphors of reading. Issues of method (Gr. transl., et notes), Athens: Kardamitsa (p.128).
  • 1993. «The humanism of education and upbringing», (coll. Kaila, M.,), Education Préscolaire, 6/93 (en bulgare), pp. 3-6.
  • 1993-4. «Plato and Aeschylus: The inner relationship as research of principle?»,Philosophy, Yearbook of research center of Greek philosophy (Academy of Athens) Νο 23-4, p.114-144[in Greek].
  • December 1994. «Democratization of education»,Tribune of Social Sciences(Vima ton Kinonikon Epistimon), Νο 15, pp. 101-124 [in Greek].
  • 8-10 Μay 1994. «The case of people with special needs: a new challenge for philosophical discourse and philosophers», Proceedings of the Congress for Individual with special problems, éd. Ellinika Grammata, Ιst vol., pp. 59-65 [in Greek].
  • 1994. «The European idea and education», (in collab. with Kaila, M.,), Pédagogy, Νο 6, pp. 62-7, (in Bulgare).
  • 1994. «The game seen through the experience of the preschool education in Greece», (in collab. with Kaila, M.), Education Préscolaire, Νο 7-8, pp. 61-3.
  • Νοvember 1994. «La médiation ambigüe du pourtant nécessaire éducateur. Le cas de 1’école maternelle en Grèce», (in collab. with Kaila, M.,), Perspectives, Νο 26, pp. 7-18.
  • 1994. European Idea and Education: Prevention of the requested and the labyrinth, in collab. with Kaila M.), in: Proceedings of the European Educational Conference (Athens 1993), Εd. research foundation Lambrakis & Costeas-Geitonas School, pp. 281-303.
  • 1995. «L’idée européenne: Un défi pour l’éducation et les éducateurs de l’Europe», (collab. Kaila, M.,), Cibles, No 32, pp. 18-22.
  • 1995. «An exemplary scheme of developmental activities in kindergarten» (in collab. with Kaila, M.), in: The evolution of didactics, Epistemological approach, ed. Gutenberg, pp. 393-406, [in Greek].
  • 1995. Fourez, G., «L’enseignement de la Techno-Science: importance, principes et presuppositions», (transl in collab. with Kaila, M.,), in: The evolution of didactics, Epistemological approach, Athens: Gutenberg, pp. 533-548.
  • Autumn- Winter, 1995. «L’intervention active de l’Université au développement global et durable de la région grecque de Dodécanèse: propositions et perspectives», (collab. Kaila, M.), Alliage, No 24-25.
  • 1997.The educator, (in collab. With Kaila, M.,), Αthens: Ellinika Grammata.(p. 395).
  • 1998. Meaning and Meaning Formation in Aischylus, University press of Septentrion (p. 721).
  • 1999. «Perspectives universitaires et éducatives: pour un partenariat avec tous les acteurs sociaux. Une proposition greco-française» (in collab. with Fournier, J.), PRELUDE, No 37-39, pp. 89-9.
  • 1999. Plutarque, (in collab. with Kaila, M.,), series «Textes of Education», 1, Athens: Atrapos (p. 151).
  • November 1999. «Τhe University of the Aegean: the example of a University-bridge and lever for Development», (in collab. With Kaila, M.), Letters from the Black Sea, Vol. 5-6, pp. 42-48.
  • 2000. Jean Chrysostome, series «Texts of Education», 2, Athens: Atrapos, (p.180).
  • 2000. Aischylus, series «Texts of Education», 1, Athens: Atrapos, (p.150).
  • 1-4 Νοvember 2000. « From Philosophy to Philosophy of Education and vice versa: the stretched rope of teaching», in: Proceedings, 2nd Congress Panhellenic with International participation, Athens, Pedagogical Association of Greece, pp. 303-312.
  • 2001. Thill G.,-Warrant F., L’Université de 21ème siècle, (trad. in collab. with Xanthakou, Y.,), «Textes de l’Education», 7, Athènes: Atrapos. (p. 320).
  • 2001. Mialaret G., Henri Wallon, avec Introd. de Ardoino, J., (trad. in collab. with Xanthakou, Y.), series «Texts of Education», 7, Athens: Atrapos (p. 330).
  • 2001. Vieillard-Baron, J.,-L., Henri Bergson, (transl., footnotes),series «Texts of Education», 7, Athens: Atrapos. (p. 299).
  • 8-10 Νοvember 2001. «Difficulties, incompatibilities, antinomies: the philosophy of globalization in education and vice versa», (in collab. with Kaila, M.,), in: Proceedings of the International Congress of the Pedagogical Association of Greece du Congrès International de l’Association Pédagogique de Grèce «Greek Education and Globalisation» (v.: http://www.pee.gr).
  • December 2001. «Universities, Networks and Academic cooperation (Trends and perspectives)», (collab. Tadlidil, R., Fokiali, P., Kaila, M.),, in: Ege Academic Review/Ege Akademik Bakis, pp.1-10.
  • 7-9 November 2002. Athens, «Teaching Philosophy to Children”, 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Pedagogical Society of Greece», «Greek Pedagogical and Educational Research», (included in the Proceedings of the Conference, s. online: http://www.pee.gr)
  • 2002. «The critical role of the University of the Aegean and the values supporting its activity», PRELUDE, No 40, pp. 91-98.
  • 2002. «The myth of the glance – the ambivalent mostruosity and ruse or ‘’How to look at the head of the Medusa’’» (in collab. with Xanthakou, Y.,), in: Intercultural approach of Myths, Mathematics and learning disabilities in the Information Society, University of the Aegean, Interreg II, Rhodes, pp. 155-165.
  • 2002. «The ethics of education: the melancholy of ambivalence and the asymptomatic desire,», in: N. Polemikos, M Kaïla, Fr. Kalavassis (dir.) Psychopathologie Educative, Familiale et Politique, coll. Tom. III, Athènes, Atrapos, pp. 525-537 [in Greek].
  • 2002. «The case University: the explotion of identity and its psychopathology » (in collab. with Kaila, M.,), in: N. Polemikos, M Kaïla, Fr. Kalavassis (dir.) Psychopathologie Educative, Familiale et Politique, coll. Tom. IV, Athènes, Atrapos, pp. 64-105 [in Greek].
  • 2002. «The rights of the child: the pedagogical as a political and the pathology of the obvious», (in collab. with Kaila, M.), in: N. Polemikos, M Kaïla, Fr. Kalavassis (dir.) Psychopathologie Educative, Familiale et Politique, coll., Tom. IV, Athènes, Atrapos, pp. 209-224 [in Greek].
  • 2002. «Les relations entre l’homme et l’animal: représentation ou réalité?», in: Duchêne, J., Beaufays, J.-P., Ravez, L. (eds.) Entre l’homme et l’animal. Une nouvelle alliance? (in collab. with Kaila, M.), Belgium, Presses Universitaires de Namur, pp. 149-159.
  • 11 September 2002. «The Major-shift in higher Education. From Institution-centric Education to student-centric Education, Students as Creators and propagators of University Culture» (in collab. With Fokiali P. & Kaila M.), in: BSUN 2nd Congress, Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Baku, Αzerbaijan, in: Letters from the Black Sea, Special Issue, pp. 47-50.
  • 18 – 19 December 2003. «La sortie de l’univers d’Aladin», in: Drouin-Hans, A.-M., (dir.), 2004, La philosophie saisie par l’éducation, Actes du colloque,Tom. 1, Rêver l’égalité, penser la culture, Scérén, CRDP Bourgogne, pp. 129-145.
  • 2003. «Einführung», in: Beiträge zur Lehrerfort und Weiterbildung (coord. Fokiali, P., Τriarchi-Hermann, B., Κaila, M.,), Section D, «Spezielle Themen der Lehrerfortbildung: Neue Schwerpunkte? Neue Perspektiven? Neue Anwendungen?», Dillingen Akademie München Agäis Universität, Rhodes, pp. 789-796.
  • 2003. «The reading of texts : sketch for the construction of a philosophical example», Sciences of Education, University of Crete, vol.4, Philosophy of Education and Educational Practice, pp. 107-126 [in Greek].
  • 2003. «Einführung: Spezielle Themen der Lehrerfortbildung: Neue Schwerpunkte? Neue Perspektiven? Neue Anwendungen?», Beiträge zur Lehrerfort und Weiterbildung (dir. Fokiali P., Triarchi-Hermann, V., Kaila M.), éd. Trilingue, Dillingen Akademie, München, Agäis Universität, Rhodes, pp.305-319.
  • 2003. «Zwischen Akzeptanz und Kritik – Das Globalosierungsmodell und die Rechte der Universität», (in collab. With Govaris Chr. & Κaila, Μ.), Beiträge zur Lehrerfort und Weiterbildung (dir. Fokiali, P., Triarchi-Hermann, V., Kaila, M.), Dillingen Akademie, München, Agäis Universität, Rhodes, éd. Trilingue, Athens, pp. 371-383.
  • 2003. «Women as members of the academic hierarchy in Greek Universities: low representation for high posts», (in collab. With Fokiali, P. & Xanthakou, G.), in: Issues on Teachers’ in-service training and further Education (dir. Fokiali P., Triarchi-Hermann, V., Kaila M.), Dillingen Akademie, München, Agäis Universität, Rhodes, éd. Trilingue, Athens, pp. 858-872.
  • 2003-4. «*I (other) …, * subject (object)… suspended integration and the irreducible pedagogical element (?)», Pedagogical Logos, Tom. IX, vol. 1, pp. 105-123 [in Greek].
  • 2004. The incision of Philosophy of Education: Introduction, Athens: Atrapos, (p. 331) [in Greek].
  • 2004. «Masculin, Philosophical Speech and the Woman ‘’deep in his viscera’’», in: Greek-Turkish Approaches: redefining the female identity, coll. bilingue (dir. Κaila Μ., Berger G., Theodoropoulou H.), Αthens, Αtrapos, pp. 37-48.
  • 2004. ‘’Le corps eschyléen tragique: une concrétion difficile’’, Télémaque, ‘’Les lieux du corps’’, No 25, Presses Universitaires de Caen, pp. 31-4.
  • 25-29 March 2004. «The children-bolides, the Philosophy (of Education) and the ‘’good conscience’’», International Conference, Philosophy with Children: «Encouraging Philosophical thinking», Graz/Austria, in: Camhy, D.G., -Born, R., (eds), Encouraging Philosophical Thinking, Proceedings of the International Conference on Philosophy for Children, Germany, Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, conceptus-studien band 17, pp. 23-33.
  • 2004. «Low Representation of Women in the Academic Profession: the Case of Greece and Turkey», (in collab. With P. Fokiali) in: Greek-Turkish Approaches: revealing women’s socio-economic role (dir. Κaila Μ., Berger G., Théodoropoulou H.), Athènes, Atrapos, pp. 417-438.
  • 2004. Approches Greco-turques (coll. / (dir. Κaila Μ., Berger G., Théodoropoulou H.), Tom II. Redéfinissant l’identité féminine/ Greek-Turkish Approaches: redefining the female identity, coll. bilingue Αthènes, Αtrapos (coord. Tatlidil, E., Théodoropoulou, H., / trad. Théodoropoulou, H., Fokiali, P.).
  • 2005. Kaila, M., Theodoropoulou, H., et.al., (dir.,) Education Environnementale. Données de recherche et ingénierie éducative, Athens: Atrapos, [in Greek].
  • 2005. Gr. transl. of : Hess, R., «La construction philosophique du moment interculturel. D’une conscience du social à une éducation de la personne», in: Proceedings of XI International Congress of the Greek Pedagogical Association, School in Society of information & of multiculturality, Rhodes, 21-23 October, Thessaloniki: ed. Kiriakidi.
  • 2005. «Environmental Ethics, a crossroad on a crossroad » in: Kaila, M., Théodoropoulou, H., et. al. (dir.) Environmental Education : research data & educational design, Athens, Atrapos, pp. 267-285 [in Greek].
  • 30 June-2 July 2005. «Homo criticus, homo philosophicus», communication présentée dans la Conférence Internationale, Quelle idée de l’homme pour le pédagogue, Arradon / France.
  • 23-25 September 2005. «Environnemental Ethics through a Program of Environmental Education for the ecologization of mathematics in Primary education» (in collab. with Anastasatos, N.,). in: Proceedings of the 1st Congress of School Programs of Environmental Education, Corinthos [in Greek].
  • 21-23 October 2005. «The difficult interculturality as a beginning of an elaboration with intercultural intention» (in collab. with Vincent, H., e.al), in: Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of the Greek Pedagogical Association, School in Society of information & of multiculturality,Rhodes, Thessaloniki, ed. Kiriakidi, pp. 649-657.
  • 2006. «La Philosophie de l’Education: la ‘’conscience malheureuse’’, le visage de Janus et les mouvements», Itinerάrios de Filosofia da Educaçao, No 3, t. I, Ediçoes Afrontamento, pp. 181-199.
  • 3-6 August 2006. «Philosophy of Education: a philosophical observation post?», workshop in: Proceedings of 10th INPE Biennial Conference, Philosophical Perspectives on Educational Practice in the 21th Century, University of Malta, p. 315.
  • 8 – 9 September 2006. «Le paradoxe philosophique de l’éducation à la démocratie», communication présentée in: Colloque, Autorité éducative, savoir, socialisation démocratique, Montpellier.
  • November 2006. Gr. translation of : Hess, R., «La pratique du journal, comme construction du moment interculturel», Pedagogical Streams in Aegean, vol. 2, pp.80-82, Rhodes.
  • 15-17 December 2006. «Environmental education & Education for Democracy: questions about the formation of the conscience», in: Proceedings of the 1st Congress of School Programs of Environmental Education, Corinthos[in Greek].
  • Jan./Jun. 2006. «Who is thinking better? Philosophy: the phantom in the machine», Childhood & Philosophy, v.1, n.3, http://www.filoeduc.org/childphilo.
  • 2007. «Philosopher and athlete: a history for the intercultural», in: Govaris, Chr., Theodoropoulou, H., Kodakos, T.,(dir.) Pedagogical challenge of multiculturality. Questions of theory and praxis for the Intercultural Pedagogy, Athens: Atrapos (p. 270) [in Greek]
  • 2007.«’’Philosophy for children’’: Places & ways for Philosophy», introduction in: Ann Margaret Sharp, Laurence Joseph Splitter, «Philosophy for children». «Doll Hospital. Giving meaning to my world. A program for the child & the educator of Preschool Education» (dir., transl, introd. footnotes, Theodoropoulou, E.), Atrapos: Athens [in Greek].
  • 2007. «Pathei- Mathos», entry in: Carvalho, A., D., de (coord.), Dicionάrio temάtico de Filosofia da Educacâo, Portugal, Porto Editora . pp. 264-270.
  • «Philosophy of Education», «Existential Pedagogy», entry in: Xochellis, P., (coord.). Dictionary of Pédagogy, Thassaloniki: ed. Kiriakidi, pp. 702-5/523-526[in Greek] .
  • 17-20 May, 2007. «Human rights as an aspect of the European dimension in the Itegrated Framework of Study Programs: the case of the school manuals of the Religious Class III/C/3 and IV/D/4 Primary School» ( in collab. with Voukanou, Μ.) , in: Proceedings of the Conference: Primary Education and Challenges of our era (ed.Kapsalis, G., Katsikis, Α), University of Ioannina, pp. 677-686.
  • Greek transl of: Gergheva-Nestorova, G.,- Tultukova, R., «Community of inquiry and development of the communication competences of tolerance», in: Govaris Chr., Theodoropoulou, H., Kodakos, T. (dir.): Pedagogical challenge of multiculturality. Questions of theory and praxis for the Intercultural Pedagogy, Athens: Atrapos, pp. 181-9.
  • Greek transl. of: Drouin-Hans, A.,-M., «Translation, hermeneutical model for the intercultural» in: Govaris, Chr., Theodoropoulou, H., Kodakos, T., (dir.): Pedagogical challenge of multiculturality. Questions of theory and praxis for the Intercultural Pedagogy, Athens: Atrapos, pp. 67-80.
  • Sharp, A.,M.,- Splitter, L.,J., «Philosophy for children. Doll Hospital. Giving meaning to my world. A program for the child & educator of Preschool Education» (dir., trad., introd., notes, Théodoropoulou, H.,), Athènes: Atrapos. (p. 219) [ini Greek].
  • Jan./Jun. 2007. «Education sur le dos de la philosophie», Childhood & Philosophy, v. 3 n.5, http://www.filoeduc.org/childphilo.
  • 2008. «Antinomie, problématisation et philosophie de l’éducation», in Recherches en éducation, n° 6.
  • 2008. «La philosophie de l’éducation en problématisation, la contradiction résistante et la congruence difficile», Itinerarios de Filosofia da Educaçâo, No 7, 41-67.
  • 2008. «Philosophy, children & Philosophy of Education», Pedagogical streams in Aegean vol. 3, July, pp. 5-17, [http://www.Rhodes.aegean.gr/ptde/revmata/new-issue.html]. [ in Greek]
  • 2008. «Deuxièmes rencontres de la Sofphied», Journée d’Etude «Philosophies d’éducation aux Etats-Unis»: L’éducation aux émotions et la philosophie de l’éducation, [http://sofphied.asso.free.fr].
  • 2008. «Les miettes de relativisme: de la philosophie dans l’éducation», in: Drouin-Hans A.-M., (rassembl. et présent. des textes), Relativisme et Education, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 67-79.
  • 2008. «Philosophy, Philosophy for Children, and Educational Aims: Affinities, Parallelisms and Exclusions», in: Marsal, E., Dobashi, T., Weber, B., (Hrsg.) Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts, Hodos – Wege bildungsbezogener Ethikforschung in Philosophie und Theologie herausgegeben vom Institut für Philosophie und Theologie, University of Education, Karlsruhe, Germany, Band 9, pp. 561-571.
  • 16 – 19 Octobre 2008. «About an intermediary area between Literature and Philosophy, through an intercultural gaze», paper presented in: International Conference «Philosophy of Interculturality», Under the auspices of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO, in Graz/Austria (à paraître dans les Actes).
  • 2008-2009, on-line course: «Introduction à la philosophie de l’éducation», [remastered], Institut d’Enseignement à Distance, Université Paris 8, (http://www.iedparis8.net/ied/).
  • 2009. Theodoropoulou, H., Kaila, M., Bonnet, M., Larrère, C., (coord.): Environmental Ethics: theory research, applications, Athens: Atrapos, pp. 183-216 [in Greek].
  • 2009. Gr. Transl. of: Sharp, A., «The postmodedrn child», in: Theodoropoulou, H., Kaila, M., Larrère, Ch., Bonnett, M., (dir.) Environmental Ethics: theory research, applications. Athens: Atrapos, pp. 216-225.
  • 2009. «Ιn the laboratory of environmental ethics: philosophy, the notion of caring & values education», in: Theodoropoulou H., Kaila M., Larrère C., Bonnett M., (dir.) Environmental Ethics: theory, research, applications, Athens: Atrapos . pp. 183-216.[in Greek].
  • 2009. Gr. Transl. of : Bonnett, M., «Environmental Education and the issue of nature», in: Théodoropoulou, H., Kaila, M., Larrère, Ch., Bonnett, M., (dir.) Environmental Ethics: theory research, applications Athens : Atrapos, pp.139-159.
  • 2009. Gr. Transl. of : Larrère, Ch., «Respect ou responsabilité? Quelle éthique pour l’environnement?», in: Théodoropoulou, H., Kaila, M., Larrere, C., Bonnett, M., (dir.): Environmental Ethics: theory research, applications, Athens: Atrapos, pp. 41-68.
  • 2009. «Environmental Ethics & Religious course: about moral education», ( in collab. with K. Togia), in: Theodoropoulou Ε., Κaila Μ., Bοnnett M., Larrère, C., (coord.) Envirnomental Ethics: from research & theory to application, Αthens: Αtrapos, pp. 225-241 [in Greek].
  • 2009. «Anthropocentric-ecocentric conceptions: how much environmental ethics behind the environmental education», (in collab. with Vavitsa, T. & Iosifidis, Th.), in: Théodoropoulou, H., Kaila, M., Bonnet, M., Larrère, C., (coord.) pp. 299-325 [in Greek].
  • 2009. « Τhe reflexive request, the democracy demant & philosophy of education », in: Kodakos, A., Kalavassis, Fr., Changement et Gouvernement des systèmes éducatifs, Athènes, Atrapos [in Greek], pp. 381-408 [in Greek].
  • 2009. «En búsqueda de la filosofía en la literatura: complicaciones pedagógicas», in: Zambrano Leal A. (compil.), Literature y Formaciόn, Ediciôn educaciôn superior, Programa de Maestria en Educaciôn Superior/ USC – Universidad Santiago de Cali.
  • 2009. «Travesίas para la Filosofia de la Educaciόn: de l’Espacio i de la Interculturalidad» / «Traversées pour la philosophie de l’éducation: de l’espace et de l’interculturalité», in: Revista Colombiana de Educacion Superior, «Historia de la Educaciόn Superior», Maestria en Educaciόn Superior, Universidad Santiago de Cali, Colombia, Julio-Diciembre, pp. 162-184 (http://virtual.usc.edu.co/rces).
  • 2009. «The appearance and negotiation of value issues in the Integrated Framework of Study Programs: The Case of the Environmental Study» (in collab. with Voukanou, M.), in: Bagakis, G., Demetzis, K., (ed.), One year after the implementation of the new analytical curricula. What has changed; Athens, Ed.Grigoris, pp. 241-51 [ in Greek]
  • 2009. «The blurry reflection of philosophy in education», paper presented at the International Conference, «Philosophy, philosophy are you there? Doing philosophy with children», under the auspices of the Greek committee of Unesco, D.P.S.E.E.D., Rhodes, 28th of November 2008, (in: Proceedings of the Conference- Multimedia CVitem 14: Folder: Anakinosis/File: Anakinosis 4, pp. 81-96) [ in Greek]
  • «Informal experimentations», paper presented at the Conference with international participation, «Philosophy, philosophy are you there? Doing philosophy with children», under the auspices of the Greek committee of Unesco, D.P.S.E.E.D , Rhodes, 28th of November 2008, (in: Proceedings of the Conference- Multimedia CVitem 14: Folder: Anakinosis/File: Anakinosis 4, pp. 97-103) [in Greek]
  • 2010. Theodoropoulou, H., (ed., tr. en gr. introd.), Philosophy of Education: Discourses, Aspects, ways, Athens: Pedio [in Greek].
  • 2010. «La “voie exodique” comme une voie de problématisation et les dilemmes moraux comme outils de formation» ( in collab. with Carvalho D., A.,), in: Percursos & Ideias Revista Científica do ISCET, pp. 207-217.
  • 2010. Théodoropoulou, E., Théodoridis, A., «Le cercle de craie: la formation des enseignants en Grèce», Revue Internationale d’Education, Sèvres, No 55, 119-129.
  • 2010. «Une philosophie de l’éducation comme ‘théorie pratique’ et l’espace comme seuil», στο: Argumentos de Razόn Técnica, Revista espanola de Ciencia, Tecnologia y Sociedad, y Filosofia de la Tecnologia, Sevilla, pp. 179-197.
  • 2010. Carvalho D., A. , Théodoropoulou, K.,E., «Education spécialisée, situations-limite et gestion du contradictoire», Percursos & Ideas, No2, 21-7.
  • 2010. «Philosophy, Philosophy for Children, and Educational Aims: Affinities, Parallelisms and Exclusions», in: Marsal, E., Dobashi, T. Weber B. (Hrsg.) Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts, Hodos – Wege bildungsbezogener Ethikforschung in Philosophie und Theologie herausgegeben vom Institut für Philosophie und Theologie, University of Education, Karlsruhe, Germany, Band 9, pp. 559-565.
  • 2010. Thεodoropoulou, E., «Introduction: The range of philosophy of education», in: Theodoropoulou, E.,(coord., trad., introd.), Philosophy of education, Αthens: Pedio, pp. 19-81 [in Greek].
  • 2010. Théodoropoulou, E., «The signification of tact for philosophy of education: a threshold», in: Théodoropoulou, E., (coord., trad., introd.), Philosophy of education, Αthens: Pedio, pp. 377-415 [in Greek].
  • 2010. Theodoropoulou, E., «Notes from a philosophical laboratory for Kindergartners» / Theoretical Part [Greece]. in: Vocational Professionalization by Practicing Philosophy (with Children) / Lifelong Learning Program Leonardo da Vinci / VP3: E-booklet, pp. 42-60-75, [References and Bibliography], 1 pp. 25-130 (http://www.vppp.eu).
  • 2010. (in collab with Monioudi, M., «Notes from a philosophical laboratory for Kindergartners» / Practical Part [Greece]. in: E-booklet, Vocational Professionalization by Practicing Philosophy (with Children) / Lifelong Learning Program Leonardo da Vinci / VP3: E-booklet, pp. 85-100 (http://www.vppp.eu).
  • 2010. «The knowledge of European values: the case of lessons of social studies in Primary Education» (in collab. with Voukanou M.) in: Kannelaki, S., Marinaki-Kassotaki, Aik.,et. al., (ed.) Processes of thinking in school and environment, Athens, Pedio, pp. 289-320 [ in Greek]
  • 2010. (in collab. with Carvalho D.,A.), «Pédagogie spécialisée, situations-limites et gestion du problématique. Le cas de la solitude intraitable», in: Fabre, M., Carvalho, D.,A., Lhoste, Y., (eds.), Expérience et problématisation en éducation, aspects philosophiques, sociologiques et didactiques, Porto, Afrontamento, pp. 199-222.
  • 2011. «The philosophical bank to the dialogical stream in education», in: Tzavaras, J., (éd.). From the monologue of educator to the dialogue of the group. Philosophical thinking & research in primary philosophical classroom, Proceedings, University of Crete/Rethymnon, in: «Greek Philosophical Bibliography»/Philosophical Publications 2011[http://www.philosophicalbibliography.com/index.php/2013-12-09-12-32-55/2011]
  • 2011. «About an intermediary area between Literature and Philosophy, through an intercultural gaze», in: Camhy G. D. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Philosophy of Interculturality, Under the auspices of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO, Germany, Academia Verlag.
  • 2011. «Body metaphors », in: Papadopoulos J. Grammatas Th. (éd.). Tragic & Tragedy in the Globalisation era, Athens. Diadrassi, pp.160-185 [in Greek].
  • 2012. «The dialogical pretention in education & th philosophical recalcitrance», Dia-logos, Journal of Philosophical Research, Athens, Ed. Papazissi. vol.2, pp. 241-269 [in Greek].
  • 2012. «Celia Copplestone ou comment (ne pas) sortir de la solitude», in: A. Carvalho Dias de Solidao nos liminares de pessoa e da solidariedade, Edicoes Afrontamento, chap. 8, pp. 77-91.
  • 2013. Theodoropoulou, H., (coord., Gr. tr. introd.), Philosophy, philosophy, are you there? Doing Philosophy with children, (prol. Kennedy, D.), Athens: Diadrasi, Series Philosophy & Child, (dir. Théodoropoulou, E., Gregory, M.,) (p. 367) [in Greek].
  • 2013. «Traversées de Philosophie de l’Education / Traversias de la filosofia de la educacion», in: Ζambrano A.Leal, Meirieu Ph., Théodoropoulou E., Mutuale Aug., Schaepelynk V., Filosofia de la educaciόn y pedagogίa. Argentina. Editorial Brujas, pp. 67-76.
  • 2013, «Problematization: prelude to reflexive prerogative», in: Α. Κodakos & F. Kalavassis (coord.). Questions of Educational Design – 5. Managment of Crises & Government of Educational Institutions, University of the Aegean, Master «Models of Educational Design & Development of Educational Institutions». Athens: Diadrassi, pp. 47-79 [in Greek].
  • November 2013. «La pratique du journal à partir d’un cours de philosophie de l’éducation en ligne: un amorçage méthodologique», in: Pratiques de Formation / Analyses [Le journal pédagogique: outil de conscientisation de l’expérience], N°62-63, pp. 211-229.
  • 2013. «The gender emergence in philosophy for children: invocations & deviations», in: Anagnostopoulou, D., (coord.) Feminin & Masculin Representations in the literature for children & adolescents Athens: Ed. Kyriakos Papadopoulos Α.Ε, pp. 313-325 [in Greek].
  • 2013. «Philosophy of education: ways of presence and absence – from congruence to common sense and back», in: Pereira, P.-Ch., (coord.) l’espace public. Variations critiques sur l’urbanité / Espaço publico. Variaçοes crίtic as sobre a urbanidade. Porto, Ediçoes Afrontamento/ FCT. pp .67-93.
  • 2013. «Dos à dos avec l’abstraction. Pour une philosophie pratique micrologique», Revista Itinenάrios de Filosofia da Educaçao, 12, 2013, Ediçoes Afrontamento/ FCT pp. 17-35.
  • 2013. «With the head of Medusa in the wallet or the small pea under the mattress. Introduction», in: Theodoropoulou E., (coord., tr. en gr. introd.), Philosophy, philosophy, are you there? Doing Philosophy with children, Athens: Diadrassi. Series Philosophy & Child (dir. Theodoropoulou E., Gregory M.), pp. 19-53 [ ini Greek]
  • 2013. «Something in the world obliges us to think», in: Theodoropoulou, H., (coord., Gr. tr. introd.), Philosophy, philosophy, are you there? Doing Philosophy with children, Athens: Diadrassi. Series Philosophy & Child. (dir. Theodoropoulou, E. Gregory M.) pp. 333-345 [ in Greek]
  • 2013. «De l’empathie et du care: tracer in lieu de pratique», in: Skepsis, XXIII, pp. 357-371, (In Honour of Professor Grigorios Karafillis).
  • 2013. «The hanging, the collapse & the fly – Prologue», in: Κodakos, Α., & Kalavassis, F., (coord.). Questions of Educational Design – 5. Managment of Crises & Government of Educational Institutions, University of the Aegean, Master «Models of Educational Design & Development of Educational Institutions». Athens: Diadrassi, pp. 17-23 [in Greek]
  • 2013. «The philosophical thought and the weft of the personhood», in: The Personalism in the Modern World. Honorary volume for the founder of the Association of Spitirual Renewal, M.I. Maratheetis. Nicosia: OPA, 2014, pp. 24-44 [in Greek]
  • 2014. Theodoropoulou, E., (ed., tr. en gr. introd.), Philosophy of Education: Aspects of praxis, Athens: Pedio, (p. 568) [in Greek]
  • 2014. «The problematization effect and its double gestures», in: Strand T. Papastefanou M. (eds). «Philosophy of Education as a Lived Experience: Navigating Through Dichotomies of Thought and Action», Germany. Verlag, pp. 135-152.
  • 2014. (in collab. with Carvalho, D., A.), «De la problématisation à la dilemmatisation et vice versa: introduction à un cursus philosophique», in: Prairat, E., (coord.). L’éthique de l’enseignement.Εnjeux personnels, professionnels et institutionnels Presses Universitaires de Nancy, pp. 113-130.
  • 2014. «What a philosopher looks for in Trivadrum slums? In the rift of a paradox», in: Theodoropoulou, E., Women Images [Proceeedings of the discussion organised by the Dpt of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design, 18 Μars 2011, Rhodes], pp. 36-54 [in Greek]
  • 2014. «Prologue: women-speaking-about-women. The beginning of a puzzle», in: Theodoropoulou, E., Women Images [Proceedings of the discussion organised by the Dpt of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design, 18 Μars 2011, Rhodes], pp. 4-8 [in Greek].
  • 2014. (in collab. with Monioudi, Μ.), «Tracking the concept of critical thinking in the New Curriculum of Primary Education: the hidden entrance of philosophy», in: Theodoropoulou, E., Kaila, M., Polemikos, N., Papadopoulos, I., Kafoussi, S., Fokiali, P., (coord.) Research in Sciences of Education, pp. 68-100.
  • 2014. «’I would prefer not to’(;) Praxis, when deepens abruptly. Introduction», in: Theodoropoulou, E. (coord. Introd. trad.). Philosophy of Education: Aspects of praxis, Athens: Pedio, pp. 21-67 [ in Greek]
  • 2014. (in collab. with Carvalho D., A.), «Dilemmatisation: a philosophical entry for professional ethics», in: Thodoropoulou, E., (coord. Introd. trad.), Philosophy of Education: Aspects of praxis, Athens: Pedio, pp.453-482.
  • 28 -29 November 2014. «’’Dead Imagination imagine’’… the paradox of an invocation of education», in: Sarafidou, Κ., (coord.) Proceedigns of the 5th Panhellenic Congress of the Society of Sciences of Education of Drama, «Creativity inEducation», Drama pp. 181-200 [ in Greek]
  • 2015. (in collab. with Carvalho, A., D)., «Coups d’ambivalence: quelles résistances pour une éthique professionnelle en éducation?», in: Kassimati, K., & Argyriou, M., (coord.) (2014). International & European Tendancies in Education: their influences on the Greek Educational System (Vol. Β), Αthens: ΑSPΑΙΤΕ – GARMET (ISBN SET: 978-618-81528-2-3, tom. Β: 978-618-81528-4-7, e book: 978-618-81528-7-8), pp. 16-24.
  • 2015. «…’’Words…words… words…’’. Swarms of values & problematizing environmental ethics», in: Theodoropoulou, E., Fokiali, P., et.al., Environmental Education & Sustainable Development: texts for reflection with innovative approaches, Athens: Diadrassi, pp.359-387 [in Greek]
  • 2016. «Entre la théorie et la pratique, la place du Tact: notes pour une formation de soi-même», Télémaque, Presses Universitaires de Caen, Νο 49, pp. 99-110.
  • 2016. (in collab. with Carvalho A.), «The limit & the threshold: about dilemmatisation as challenge for moral education», in: Gohier, C., et Jutras, F., (dir.) Les Dossiers du GREE Série 3. No 2. Questions d’éthique et de formation en éducation et en santé, Questions d’éthique et de formation en éducation et en santé: transversalités et spécificités, pp. 64-79.
  • 2016. (in collab. with J. Quintin, J., E. Jasmin, E.), «La cyberintimidation chez les jeunes mieux comprendre pour mieux intervenir à l’école», Service social, vol. 61, n° 2, pp. 1-23.
  • Jan.-Apr., 2017. (in collab. With S. Nikolidaki), «The emergence of emergent philosophizing: preliminary notes», Childhood & Philosophy, v. 13, n. 26, pp. 153-165
  • 2017. «Du bien-être ou ‘’jeter l’échelle après y être monté ?’’», in: Dupeyron, J.,-F., & Courty, B., (dir.), (2016), Le bien-être des écoliers. Bordeaux, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, pp. 141-159
  • 2017. «A certain attention to thinking: philosophy and the fragile dialogue», in: Thedoridis A., (coord., introd.) The crisis of democracy as crisis of the democratic paideia, Athens: Synchroni Ekdotiki (in press)
  • 2017. «L’insularité : pour une expérience de lisière», ΚΛΗΣΙΣ/Klesis, Νο 35/2017, 17-26, http://www.revue-klesis.org/pdf/klesis-38-insularite-03-theodoropoulou-insularite-pour-experience-lisiere.pdf
  • 2018. Direction (in collab. with: D. Moreau, Chr. Gohier) of: « Ethics in Education Philosophical tracings and clearings, Rhodes : Laboratoty of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy, ISBN 978-618-81027-4-30 (p. 567)
  • 2018. “In the sur-roundings of well-being and the ‘perspicacious view of the foundations of possible buildings’” [ “Στα περί-χωρα του ευ ζην και η ‘διορατική θέα των θεμελίων των δυνατών οικοδομημάτων’”/”Dans les parages du bien-être et la ‘vue perspicace des fondements des bâtiments possibles’”] In: « Ethics in Education Philosophical tracings and clearings » (dir. Elena K. Theodoropoulou, Didier Moreau, Christiane Gohier), Rhodes : Laboratoty of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) , pp. 103-136
  • 2018. “A remark about critical thinking: in relevance with Stoic oikeiôsis” [“Une remarque sur la pensée critique: en pertinence avec l’oikeiôsis stoïcienne” / “Μία παρατήρηση για την κριτική σκέψη: η συνάφεια με την στωϊκή οικείωση”] (in collab. with M. Monioudi), in: « Ethics in Education Philosophical tracings and clearings » (dir. Elena K. Theodoropoulou, Didier Moreau, Christiane Gohier), Rhodes : Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), pp. 235-257.
  • 2018. Εpistrophe. Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and Education. Studies and Practices, vol. 1, 2017-2018 http://eprepe.pse.aegean.gr/ ISSN: 1234-5678-9000 (Editors: E. Theodoropoulou & D. Moreau).
  • 2018. Τhe relay of professional ethics in education – slippery slope or point of support? For the resistance of a warry – the philosophical contribution In: Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and Education. Studies and Practices, vol. 1, 2017-2018 http://eprepe.pse.aegean.gr/ ISSN: 1234-5678-9000
  • 2018. ‘Some-thing inside it”: Philosophy everywhere (?). Philosophical findings in literature paths”, Diotime, Revue Internationale de didactique de la philosophie, n° 77 (juillet 2018)
  • 2019. (ed. in collabo. With M. Argyriou). Connecting didactics, competences and attitudes towards educational practice through the Arts. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference EduDidactics 2015, Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers / GAPMET & Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy /L.R. P.A. Ph., University of The Aegean, Vol. 1 ISBN: 978-618-80405-9-5, Vol.2, ISBN : 978-618-82283-0-6
  • 2019. «’’Something in it’’: note on philosophical findings in literary spaces», in: Theodoropoulou, E., Argyriou, M., (coord). Proceedings of the 6th International Congress, Educational Didactics 2015, «Connecting Didactics, Competencies and Attitudes towards educational practice through the Arts», Volumes A-B. Athens: GARMET, Laboratory of the Practical & Applied Sciences (L.R.P.A.Ph.)/ D.S.P.E.E.D., University of the Aegean

Genette, G., Marin, L., Mathieu – Colas, M., The limits of recital, (Gr. Transl. Theodoropoulou, Ε.,), series: Theory & Method – 2, Athens: Kardamitsa, 1987.

Kaïla, M., Theodoropoulou, E., The educator, Athens: Ellinika Grammata, 1987.

Greisch, J., Metaphors of Reading. Questions of method, (Gr., Transl., Theodoropoulou, E.,), series: Theory & Method – 2, Athens: Kardamitsa, 1993.

Théodoropoulou, E., Sens et Formation de Sens chez Eschyle, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 1998. (p. 721).

Theodoropoulou, E., Kaïla, M., Plutarque, series: Texts of Education, No 1, Athens: Atrapos, 1999.

Theodoropoulou, E., John Chrysostom, series: Texts of Education, No 2, Athens: Atrapos, 1999.

Theodoropoulou, E., Aischylos, (introd. Vieillard-Baron, J.,-L.,), series: Texts of Education, No 3, Athens: Atrapos, 1999.

Thill, G., Warrant, F.,The University of 21th century, (Gr. transl. Theodoropoulou, E., Xanthakou, Y., ), series: Texts of Education, No 7, Athens: Atrapos, 2001.

Vieillard – Baron, J., L., Henri Bergson, (Gr. transl. Theodoropoulou, E.,), series: Texts of Education, No 9, Athens: Atrapos, 2001. (2nd edition 2011, Athens: Diadrasi).

Theodoropoulou, E., The notch of Philosophy of Education. An Introduction, (Introd. Houssaye, J.,), Athens: Atrapos, 2004. (2nd edition 2011, Athens: Diadrasi).

Κaila, Μ., Thill, G., Theodoropoulou, E., Xanthakou, Y., (coord.), Ύe Κue. Olympian Games in Antiquity, Αthens: Atrapos, 2004.

Κaila, Μ., Theodoropoulou, Ε., Αnastasiou, D., Xanthakou Y., Anastasatos, Ν., (coord.)., Environmental Education. Research data & educational design, Athens: Atrapos, 2005.

Sharp, A., M., Splitter L., J., Philosophy for children. Doll Hospital & Giving sense to my world, (dir. – introd. – Gr. tr. Théodoropoulou, E.,). Αthens: Αtrapos, 2007. [with an appendice for the Greek edition: bibliographic essay of Ann Sharp], (2nd edition, Athens: Diadrasi).

Govaris, Ch., Théodoropoulou, E., Kontakos, A., The pedagogical challenge of the multicultural. Questions of Theory & Practice of the Intercultural Pedagogy, Athens: Atrapos, 2007.

Mialaret, G., Henri Wallon, (Gr. tr. Theodoropoulou, E., Xanthakou, Y.,). (introd. Ardoino, J.,), Αthens: Αtrapos, 2008.

Theodoropoulou, Ε., Κaila, Μ., Bonnett, M., Larrère, C., (coord.), Environmental Ethics: from Research to Theory and Application, Athens: Atrapos, 2009. (2nd edition 2011, Αthens: Diadrasi).

Theodoropoulou, Ε., (coord., introd., Gr., transl. ), Philosophy of Education. Discourses, aspects, ways, Athens: Pedio, 2011.

Theodoropoulou, Ε., (Coord., Introd., Gr. transl.), Philosophy, philosophy are you there? Doing philosophy with children, (prol. Kennedy, D.), Athens: Diadrasi, 2013. (series: Philosophy & Child. Dirs. Théodoropoulou, E., Maughn, G.,), (p. 367).

Ζambrano, A.,Leal, Meirieu, Ph., Théodoropoulou, E., Mutuale, Aug., Schaepelynk, V., Filosofia de la educaciόn y pedagogίa, Argentina: Editorial Brujas, 2013.

Theodoropoulou, Ε., (Coord.), Images οf woman, [Proceediings of the Public Discussion, org. Department of Preschool Sciences of Education & Educational Design, 2011, Rhodes] (e-book – ISBN:978-618-81027-1-2: http://www.rhodes.aegean.gr/tepaes/index_el.asp), 2014.

Theodoropoulou, E., Kaila, M., Polemikos, N., Papadopoulos, I., Kafoussi, S., Fokiali, P. (coord.), Research on Sciences of Education. Proceedings of Conference: ‘’Doctorale Research in the Department of Preschool Sciences of Education & Educational Design’’, 7 & 8 May 2012 / Rhodes (ISBN: 978-618-81027-2-9: http://www.rhodes.aegean.gr/tepaes/index_el.asp), 2014.

Theodoropoulou, Ε., Philosophy of Education. Aspects of praxis,(coord., introd., Gr. transl.), Athens: Pedio, 2014. (p. 558).

2018. Εpistrophe. Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and Education. Studies and Practices, vol. 1, 2017-2018 http://eprepe.pse.aegean.gr/ ISSN: 1234-5678-9000 (Editors: E. Theodoropoulou & D. Moreau)

2019. (ed. in collabo. With M. Argyriou). Connecting didactics, competences and attitudes towards educational practice through the Arts. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference EduDidactics 2015, Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers / GAPMET & Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy /L.R. P.A. Ph., University of The Aegean, Vol. 1 ISBN: 978-618-80405-9-5, Vol.2, ISBN : 978-618-82283-0-6

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